@KTzone » 消閒 - 會員交友 » u can call me Ronald, l m 18 yrs o now

2008-6-7 10:19 zxhsu
u can call me Ronald, l m 18 yrs o now
l living in hongkong, hunghom
study in polytechnic associate degree year 1
and working in hongkong property (welcome find me if wanna buy or rent house)
興趣:駕駛, running, swimming, 搵錢(哈哈), 搵結婚對象(再次哈哈), 睇財經及地產報及check 成交, 傾計, 桌球, 識好朋友•••


My msn
[email][email protected][/email]



[ Last edited by zxhsu on 2008-6-7 at 10:21 AM ]

2008-6-7 18:32 草紙
[color=#FF3490]halo , i am da .
nice to meet you =][/color]

2008-6-7 21:51 zxhsu
我岩岩放工返到屋企, 見到呢個post 得你一個回...
but anyway, thank you^^

2008-6-7 22:30 草紙
[quote]Originally posted by [i]zxhsu[/i] at 2008-6-7 09:51 PM:
我岩岩放工返到屋企, 見到呢個post 得你一個回...
but anyway, thank you^^ [/quote]
[color=#FF3490]都 好 過 無 人 回 na *
你 都 可 以 主 動 入 下 人 地 d post 嫁 嘛 ^^*  [/color]

2008-6-7 22:36 小鈞
[quote]Originally posted by [i]zxhsu[/i] at 2008-6-7 09:51 PM:
我岩岩放工返到屋企, 見到呢個post 得你一個回...
but anyway, thank you^^ [/quote]

ha ~~ 我又回下你先 :43:
你好ar ~~ i am  small kwan
多d 黎傾計la :19:

[ Last edited by 小鈞 on 2008-6-7 at 10:37 PM ]

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